Tuesday, June 3, 2014

When will the maddness stop?

In the name of protecting the general public, there seems to be a rash of mishaps when it comes to S.W.A.T. raids.
How many children, old people, and law-abiding citizens have to be injured, terrorized or killed before we call a halt to the growing rash of police violence that is wracking the country? How many family pets have to be gunned down in cold blood by marauding SWAT teams before we declare such tactics off limits? And how many communities have to be transformed into military outposts, complete with heavily armed police, military tanks, and "safety" checkpoints before we draw that line in the sand that says "not in our town"?
SWAT team prepared
SWAT team prepared (Photo credit: OregonDOT)

The latest incident comes out of Atlanta, Georgia, where a SWAT team, attempting to execute a no-knock drug warrant in the middle of the night, launched a flash bang grenade into the targeted home, only to have it land in a crib where a 19-month-old baby lay sleeping. The grenade exploded in the baby's face, burning his face, lacerating his chest, and leaving him paralyzed. He is currently in the hospital in a medically induced coma.
If this were the first instance of police overkill, if it were even the fifth, there might be hope of reforming our system of law enforcement. But what happened to this baby, whose life will never be the same, has become par for the course in a society that glorifies violence, turns a blind eye to government wrongdoing, and sanctions any act by law enforcement, no matter how misguided or wrong. - The mindset responsible for turning search warrants into death warrants, and SWAT teams into death squads -- Puppet Masters -- Sott.net

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