Wednesday, January 1, 2014

When's It Time To Leave West Coast?

"According to several recently released stories, within the next few days a toxic cloud of radiation could be arriving upon the West Coast of America, necessitating that a radiation alert be issued while a Fukushima warning to the world has also gone out. While the mainstream media has nearly completely ignored the unfolding Fukushima tragedy, various alternative news providers have stated that these warnings are not necessary. We disagree completely and have the following reasons laid out before us as facts showing the signs and symptoms of a Fukushima radiological tragedy unfolding before our eyes here in North America and upon the West Coast and throughout the Pacific Ocean that lead us to conclude that Fukushima poses a direct threat to all life."
When's It Time To Leave West Coast And/Or The Northern Hemisphere Due To Fukushima Radiation? | Health:

Many think that this poses a great health risk to everyone on the planet. Here is a video that might explain what happened and why it should be considered a threat.

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